


 経済の現状認識について、「the economic situation is obviously far from satisfactory」と述べた上で、過去実施した非伝統的金融政策の効果について、「It seems clear, based on this experience, that such policies can be effective, and that, in their absence, the 2007-09 recession would have been deeper and the current recovery would have been slower than has actually occurred」と自己評価している。
 ただ、非伝統的政策のコストは通常の金融政策と比べて高く、それゆえに、「the bar for the use of nontraditional policies is higher than for traditional policies」と位置づけている。
 そして、「the Federal Reserve will provide additional policy accommodation as needed to promote a stronger economic recovery and sustained improvement in labor market conditions in a context of price stability」とし、物価安定と両立しつつ、雇用を改善するための追加金融緩和は実現可能だと述べた。QE3に向けた理論的地ならしをしようと試みているように受け取れる。 http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20120831a.htm